farewell party.?

oh yeah :D

we had our farwell party today, uhmm april 7,2008. hahahaha uhm honestly I cant call it a farewell it's rather more of an outing. Our first and i hope not to be the last outing. I haven't felt the essence of it. hahaha... there were lots of killjoys.argh! it just proves that we were not that really united. But looking into the brighter side, a lot of us actually joined!!! YEY!!! I was expecting only 15-20 classmates coz the venue is quite far. I mean it's really far!!!hahahaha.. I enjoyed more the preparation than the "outing" itself. hahahaha. I was stupid for waking up around 7:30 am.( hehehe our plan was to see each other at the central bank around 6 am) hahaha. Anyway, they end up going at our house. hehe...misay, ruben,adelle,sheena and i were responsible for the food and the souvenir(actually it was we who voluntereed what can you expect from our classmates??? especially the PRESIDENT and the VICE... *sigh* as the secretary i have to work) back to the topic. the food and the tarp were the only preparations we had. a program was planned but it was just a thought. hehehehe..
I was happy yet annoyed walking far distances over and over for the food and the tarp. We actually toured the Gaisano South mall during that time.. hahaha just to kill the time ocz we were waiting for the things we need. It's just like all of a sudden were so obsessed with the number 11. hahaha.. everything we say we find ways to look for the 11. (sort of a resemblance form the movie number 23). our card number was 38 so 3+8=11, the plate number of the bus was 38=3+8=11, the truck was 713 7+1+3=11, the road we've gone was km 11, hahaha... we observed all these! :)

Now that everything is over, i'll surely miss my classmates!!!.. we've been together for 4 years and we've shared alot of trials, foolishness and happiness!. I'll miss HighSchool life! It was the best :D